There are a number of different ways you can install
There are also specific instructions at the following links for:
Installation from GitHub release binaries
There are binary releases for some platforms available directly from the Nift GitHub repo releases page. It should be reasonably easy to clone or download the repo to compile and install the project yourself with a
Linux installation using Snap

You can install
snap install nift --classic
Snapcraft have a
To uninstall
Linux installation using Flatpak

Thanks to refi64 for making the installation through Flatpak much easier and cleaner.
You can install
flatpak install --user https://flathub.org/repo/appstream/cc.nift.nsm.flatpakref
Alternatively, download cc.nift.nsm.flatpakref to
flatpak install cc.nift.nsm.flatpakref
Note you can just open
Then add the following aliases to
alias nsm="flatpak run cc.nift.nsm" alias nift="flatpak run cc.nift.nsm"
To uninstall
flatpak uninstall cc.nift.nsm/x86_64/stable
FreeBSD installation

There is a FreeBSD port of Nift available here.
For a source install from FreeBSD ports:
$ cd /usr/ports/www/nift $ make install clean
For a binary install using pkgng:
$ pkg install www/nift
Alternative install using pkgng:
$ su - # portsnap fetch # portsnap update # cd /usr/ports/www/nift # make # make install # exit
To uninstall
$ cd /usr/ports/www/nift $ make deinstall
and using
$ pkg delete www/nift
Gentoo installation
There is a Gentoo overlay of Nift available here.
Add the overlay containing Nift Ebuilds:
$ layman -f -o https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NuLL3rr0r/gentoo-overlay/master/repositories.xml -a NuLL3rr0r
For installing the latest stable release of Nift:
$ emerge -atuv www-apps/nift
And, for the development version (note that some shells require quotation of this syntax):
$ emerge -atuv '=www-apps/nift-9999'
In order to set the development version as the default installed version of Nift, and avoid getting it downgraded by Portage on subsequent @world upgrades:
$ mkdir -p /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/ $ echo '=www-apps/nift-9999 **' > /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/www-apps_nift $ emerge -atuv '=www-apps/nift-9999'
To uninstall
$ emerge -C www-apps/nift
OSX installation using Homebrew

You can install
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
then enter:
brew install nift
To uninstall
Windows installation using Chocolatey
You can install
choco install nift
To uninstall
Windows installation from executable
Download the latest